Maintain your PC’s health

We are pretty sure you have all been confronted with this situation when visiting your dad or mom on a weekend they ask you to fix their computer because they think it is running too slow or bugged. For those of you who do not want to bother their head over troubleshooting problems or try out potential solutions on their own, below is a list of easy and practical things you can do to make your PC work and look fabulous!
Please note that we are going to cover very basic methods and tools and that we do not pretend to do better than the millions of guides there are out there on the web on the same topic. This article is particularly addressed to men and women who feel terrible when using a PC, do not know how to use keyboard shortcuts or still get confused when it comes to either hitting the left or right button of a PC’s mouse – yes ladies and gentlemen it is called this way!
Alright you have money. But do not spend any of it!
First of all, there is no point to make use of your credit card to undertake your PC’s maintenance. Of course, many companies will tell you that for as little as €39.99 you will be able to speed up your internet connection. In fact, it is common that PCs slow down (because they are as stubborn as we humans are) but paying for a service that does not even exist would be a waste of money. We know a lot of stuff you can try out on your own to bring your computer back to normal!
Windows is not that bad. Use its own tools!
Your Windows PC has been sold to you with a wide range of tools that you can use for free. They are here to assist you with your PC maintenance tasks and it would be ridiculous not to use them. And if it turns out that these tools were not enough, then you have the opportunity to make the most of free utilities you can download for free (or trust great websites like ours). You can also download the actual Windows operating software directly from Microsoft.
Disk cleanup, drive optimizer? What is that?
One of the easiest and fastest ways to give your PC a decent boost is to install third-party disk cleaning software. We know a lot of great tools that will allow you to free some disc space up! Same way as disk cleanup programs work, you can also use a hard-drive optimizer: it will prevent plausible problems in the future and your system will run super smooth by this means.
Backup your data dammit! Back it up!
In computing in general, and in order to maintain your PC’s health, file history is extremely important and shall never be overlooked! Think of backing-up your data! Use an external driver to save up your most precious files, films and photos! There is nothing more terrible than going through such a horrible data loss! Hopefully, since Windows 8, all computers are equipped with great tools like “File History” and “System Image”; they help you to protect all your data all at once!